Jewish Cemetery Mattersburg




Approximately 1,500 people are buried at Mattersburg cemetery, which has been in existence since 1694. Almost all of the gravestones were looted during the Nazi era. After 1945, a memorial wall was constructed using the gravestone remains, and later on, symbolic gravestones were installed. The Jewish Museum in Eisenstadt has compiled an index of names of the people buried at the cemetery. The cemetery is kept locked, the key is available from the local municipal offices. Guided tours are available by appointment.


Bahnstraße, Wedekindgasse, 7201 Mattersburg | show on map



Cadastral Data

KG 30109, EZ 25, GSt 50, TZ 3359/2004, protected monument

Area in m²



Jewish Community Vienna


Sub-project 1



Master builder work, arboricultural work, clearing and replacement planting

The master builder work includes work to renovate the wall, including the wall and external staircase in the interior; the renovation of the memorial wall in the entrance area as well as the static securing and repositioning of the symbol stones.

The tree arboricultural work includes measures at priority levels 2 to 4 as well as clearing, felling and replacement planting.

Date of approval

19 Apr 2024

Funding in €

681,959.40 (gross)


IKG Wien